
If you have been a victim of honour-based crime, you may be entitled to compensation for the damage caused by the crime. There are three types of compensation for victims: insurance compensation, damages and criminal injuries compensation.

Insurance compensation

You can get compensation from different types of insurance. This could be private insurance, such as home insurance, personal insurance or accident insurance. It could also be insurance through your employer, trade union or school.

You should report the harm to your insurance company or companies as soon as possible after the crime has occurred.


As a general rule, the person who subjects you to a crime must also compensate you for the harm caused by the crime. This usually involves the court ordering the offender to pay you damages as part of the sentence for the crime.

Do you have any questions about compensation?

The Swedish Crime Victim Authority has a helpline for people with questions about compensation in connection with crime.

The Swedish Crime Victim Authority

The Swedish Crime Victim Authority deals with applications for compensation for criminal injuries. Contact the Authority if you have any questions about compensation after being a victim of crime.

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